The Birth of Cross the Countries

Cross the countries is more of an auto-biography of our travel experience. We wish our stories will inspire young couples and couples with babies to travel.
Why we started Cross the countries?
We started travelling together from 2015, but never had the idea of writing blogs or posting our pics in social media. 2020 is the year of Covid-19. Restricted to work from home and not many outdoor activities to do, we wanted to do something different than our usual routine. Blogging was one amongst them
We were just scrolling through all the old photo albums in our hard disk and realized we forgot the name of some of the places we visited. So we thought, it’s time to document our travel and it will be a good memory down the lane. We started our Insta page @crossthecountries, then slowly expanded to Facebook, Pinterest and a Blog site
What's in it for you?
The purpose of this website is simple.
We want to use our own experience to convey that travel does not have to be a fruitless activity. It can, and should be, a realistic lifestyle option instead. That’s the reason we wanted to write a blog.
We wanted to work with first timers and guide them in the best possible way, not to fall for any overpriced activities or destinations
We also write about how we approached a destination, our itinerary, our mistakes, dos’ & don’ts and what we could have done to make that trip even better
We are confident that our experiences can help you with whatever kind of travel you’re looking to do. We’ve made solo-trips, couple travel, family travel and travel with baby. If you love travel in general, you’re in the right place…and we want to assist as best we can!

What travel taught us?
Travel taught us to leave our comfort zone! You eat what you get, talk to localites, you are going to deal with challenges along the way, but that’s part of the whole experience.
appreciate cultures
Travel taught us to appreciate cultures and their differences. We have to accept that every country has its own culture and way of doing things. It was a great eye opener and made us better people.
overcoming FEAR
Travelling alone, for instance, may be something you’ve always wanted to do. What stops you from doing it? Aside from money, it’s probably fear. You overlook all the excitement and focus on all the bad things that could possibly happen.
Sometimes you find yourself in various situations and you need to find a way to solve problems quickly and without getting totally stressed out. Once you’ve travelled to a few different countries, you’ll soon realize that the things that seemed like a big deal in your home country are now totally minor issues
Work in Progress